Let's clear things up for good! What is true and what is false about CBD? Read the top 5 misconceptions below and test your CBD knowledge.
1. CBD gets you "high".
FALSE. THC is the chemical compound in the cannabis plant that has a psychoactive effect (causes a person to feel “high”). CBD is a non-psychoactive compound, meaning it won't alter your state of mind.
2. More CBD is better.
FALSE. Evidence suggests that everybody has a threshold around which CBD works optimally with their own physiology. People using CBD often have to experiment with different dosages to find what works best for them. The good news is that CBD is non-toxic, non-addictive and non-psychoactive, which means there is no danger when experimenting with dosage amounts.
3. I could fail a drug test if I use CBD.
FALSE. Drug tests administered by employers are intended to screen for THC, the cannabinoid responsible for creating a psychoactive effect resulting in intoxication. Cannabidiol (CBD) is non-intoxicating and produced as either isolate (isolated CBD molecule free of THC), Broad Spectrum (contains all cannabinoids except THC), or Full Spectrum (contains all cannabinoids and less than 0.3% THC). All of Vital Body’s products are made using a combination of isolate and broad spectrum hemp extract, and are 100% THC-free. So rest assured, you will NEVER fail a drug test.
4. CBD is derived from marijuana.
FALSE. CBD can be derived from one of two varieties of the Cannabis Sativa plant, marijuana or hemp. Hemp is the variety defined as containing less than 0.3% THC. Vital Body’s products are derived only from hemp and all THC is removed from the hemp oil that we use in our products.
5. Using CBD can create dependency.
FALSE. The World Health Organization did a study on CBD in 2018 and found that CBD was non-addictive and did not create dependency. CBD acts like a "light switch", turning on the receptors in the body that trigger an anti-inflammatory response. In this way, CBD helps to calm overactive physiology, for example, in the case of arthritis.